August 29, 2019, 2pm: AACM at the Chicago Jazz Festival

Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians featuring Dee Alexander August 29, 2019 | 2pm Chicago Jazz Festival Tribute to Joseph Jarman, Alvin Fielder, and Saalik ZiyadChicago Cultural Center | Preston Bradley Hall78 E. Washington Street | Chicago, IL In a short time span, Chicago’s prized Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) and[…]

August 23, 2019, 7pm: AACM featuring Dee Alexander at the Art Institute

Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians featuring Dee Alexander August 23, 2019 | 7pm – 8pmArt Institute of Chicago | Rubloff Auditorium111 S. Michigan Ave | Chicago, IL As the premier performing group of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, Inc. (AACM), Great Black Music Ensemble features some of Chicago’s most visionary[…]